Tunbridge Wells & District Rail Travellers' Association.

Your TWDRTA Committee
Martin Lewis
Vice Chairman
Steve Turner
Marketing & Publicity
Peter Hudson
Timetables & Plannning.
Can You Help Us?
Times have changed, and none of the present committee members is a regular commuter. If you would like to help further the effectiveness of the Association by joining the committee, please get in touch.
Tunbridge Wells & District Railway Travellers’ Association
Mission Statement
The Association has existed for over forty years to represent the interests of both commuters and rail users in this area and is principally concentrated on High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells and Frant stations but has members right down the line as far as St. Leonards.
We are a small but energetic group who want our part of the rail network to have these key elements –
. Punctual and reliable train service
. Timetable improvements
· Clean trains & stations
· Active efforts to reduce overcrowding
· A customer focused and responsive train operator
We have moved to a web-presence, with news updates being posted as they occur on our website and twitter. The web has enabled us to move from being subsciption-based to free-to-access.
We also hold liaison meetings with Southeastern Railway so if there is an issue which you would like the Association to raise please feel free to let the secretary or myself know.
The Association is represented at the South Eastern Passenger Forums held twice per year and at the Public Transport Forum on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
Association membership puts you in good company with men and women who spend a great deal of money on rail travel and who are concerned about how the service is delivered.
Tonbridge, Sevenoaks and Edenbridge all have rail user groups so we are not alone in seeking to obtain the very best from our rail service and the West Kent / East Sussex rail corridor is an important part of the network both as major revenue source from commuters but also leisure, schools and tourist traffic.